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第78章 后记924.41.4

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After receiving the order, Zhao Ziliang found Sun Zhengkang and told him the current situation.

On the other hand, Zhao Ziliang also received heartfelt praise.

Thousands of people die from cancer every year.

In addition to being helpless at the beginning, it should be said that Liu Mingyu also left quickly.

In order to maintain normal shelling operations, Sun Zhengkang still uses shield technology. "

Huo Ye shook his head and said: "Yeah, this is a big hate! I'm tired now too!

Maybe this is Zhao Ziliang's illusion. You said, "Zhao Hongyi still knows Huo Ye very well. When he heard Huo Ye ask about the beast tide, he guessed what Huo Ye would do.

There is no special school for superpowers in Sola Dungeon, only an official school with superpower classes and ordinary classes. The courses taught are pletely different, so the second class must have been stolen. According to the students in the regular class, this is what happened that day.

The two brothers asked Zhao Hongyi to go to school to play together. The three left the dormitory and then the school. When they left the school, a thug stopped them and questioned Zhao Hongyi. Hongyi asked first: "Who are you? President Zhao Li is also very cruel. After learning that Eddie sent Huo Ye and Alice to study and live in the underground city, he made up his mind to send Zhao Li there. Hongyi .”

Sorry to interrupt your test. He grabbed Jiang Bin's collar and shouted, "It's you, it's you."

Our gamma ray code is very powerful, but it lacks focus. Now we are in the land of death and no one knows what the oute will be, so cherish the days you live! "


"Boss, there was strange movement in the lair. The movement suddenly increased several times. It was originally expected to take four months to reach the earth, but now the speed is only one month.


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