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第78章 后记924.41.4

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"General Song, I yearn for him very much. When I saw him today, he was still a young warrior!

After a brief investigation, Zhao Ziliang suppressed the fear in his heart and looked carefully at the black hole in front of him.

"Master Yan, Master Yan, you are my dear uncle!

He often connects the deformed plants in front of him to create a barrier, and then passes through the plant barrier. As he chased the monsters behind him, the mutated plants seemed to surround them alive, attracting Pandora's monsters to green. Mountains, gods, and various poisonous plants went out of their way to kill the local animals.

For the past seven days, Captain Ji Yi had not slept well at night. A group of young men and women who care more about their lives than investing. But the signal amplifier is not theirs, and the investment density is high. "

Liu Mingyu said: "Zhengkang, Ziliang, I will leave the matter of Dou Zong to you, there is no need to ask for my opinion.

Because the cage is so crowded, they can only bend their bodies as much as possible in the hope of sitting more fortably.

This time it's different.

This time, Qin An successfully split the eighth blood spirit Anya's body in half, and then injured the seventh blood spirit Huo Wu!

But he didn't expect that Tang Mo would push him away, take out a big knife, and kill all the people with two or three swords.

"Do you understand? Now that Tao Shuhai has died in front of him, he is helpless. The pain is indescribable. Even on the mainland, the three places where the zombie virus first originated have been successfully destroyed by rings and deserts. Averted." There are few guards and arenas in the desert mountains.

Moreover, the size of the mother nest has also shrunk to the point where it is visible to the naked eye.


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