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大家在看开局心脏被挖,我移植魔祖之心 轮回丹帝 穿越后系统给双修功法什么意思? 多子多福,从拿捏九幽女帝开始! 老祖别苟了,宇宙要没了 绝世道君 凡人修仙:从大能储物戒开始 神道帝尊 我的修炼时间和人不一样 投资重生女帝,她竟叫我相公 
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Wang Qiang was stunned, he really didn't know that this high-energy gun needed time to recharge.

Looking at the burning stick in his hand and the roaring face of the third generation zombies, Wang Qiang lamented in his heart: 'What kind of pit father thing is this?'.

The third generation zombies don't have much feelings in front of food with hatred, they follow along and shorten the distance to a dangerous level.

Wang Qiang can even see the remnants of flesh on the sharp teeth of the zombie's bloody mouth without a telescope.

People are not machines, and in the face of extreme oppression, they always make mistakes.

Zombies are like a whip, constantly whipping the hearts of fugitives. A city defense team member driving an air cushion motorcycle shook his hand and collided with a tree. Seven or eight strong men on the motorcycle were thrown to the ground.

These poor people will have to face the rushing zombies before they can even touch how many bags they have hit on their heads.

A four meter long large zombie, pletely mounted on a beast shaped tank, was swept over by the dust and dust.

The zombie raised its head and bit it down. A member of the city defense team was bitten on his waist and abdomen, and before he could scream, he was bitten in two.

The zombie buried its head in the food, swallowed it in small bites, and the entire body of the city defense team entered the zombie's belly.

The ferocious eating behavior of the zombie pletely shocked Wang Qiang. A feeling of nausea spread from the stomach to the forehead, then from the forehead to the throat. The food he had previously eaten went backwards from his stomach, and Wang Qiang couldn't help but vomit.

The third generation of zombies did not care about eating food or dishes at all. After swallowing the first person, Youlv's one eyed eyes focused on another person.


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