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大家在看全职法师 万古之王 天渊 师妹低调点,我还没无敌呢! 九世轮回解封,病娇反派女主降临 西游:贫僧不想取西经 穿越后系统给双修功法什么意思? 绝世道君 星辰王 道界天下 
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The person being targeted has not yet recovered from the shock of the overturned car, and can't even get up. They can only open their fearful eyes and sit waiting to die.

The zombie is not ambiguous, with its thick black claws and five fingers grabbing it. The zombie's dark claws are even thicker than ordinary people's arms, and the tendon tissue exposed to the air demonstrates strength.

The nails on the five fingers were as sharp as five steel swords. The poor man who was caught in his hand unexpectedly had the pinched part cut into several pieces by the sharp nails.

The zombie didn't lift the person off the ground with a few claws, but instead scooped up several large pieces of meat from the food. For this result, the zombies howled incessantly in dissatisfaction, simply stopped grabbing and nibbled down their heads, mixing with mud and blood to devour again.

How can a zombie be so ferocious that one's heart doesn't tremble and fear?

The remaining five big men have no intention of lying on the ground pretending to be dead! This animal, Nima, is purely omnivorous, and everyone is struggling to get up and escape.

When it es to running for life, it's also a philosophy, and one of the tricks is to never run in the same direction. Each of the five major Han people chose a direction, scattered like birds and beasts, and fled desperately.

The zombie glared with one eye, clearly not considering what to do. However, zombies have one advantage, which is their understanding of death. After eating and drinking in place, the zombie identified one of the fugitives and pounced on them.

The movement speed of the first generation zombies is quite inferior to that of adults, while the second generation zombies can match the running speed of adults. As for the speed of the third generation zombies, it is not parable to humans.


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