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第102章 再无悬念

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The only person who can master the power of this "mechanic" is Elle, who can activate Eruen 100%.

I don't think it's possible for this "operator" to generate that much energy if enough power is accumulated to activate it.

Therefore, although Elle knew that this technique was not very powerful and was almost the same as the techniques written by other foreigners, the power that she could summon was unimaginable to others. .

I suspect that there is no way to get the right power and you get this result because the maximum capacity exceeds the power of the user.

It's better to let go of an ability you don't have.

Elle seems to understand why writers write.

As much as we don't want to admit it, this type of technology may be better suited to modern zombies.


"No, if it ends here, this city will definitely be destroyed. How can anyone but you stop it? Even if you can stop the enemy with missiles, 'hell' appears under this weapon, and that's you. Do you want to see it?" "

When Elle saw the black giant approaching, she immediately shouted at Kuro.

Immediately, a ball of light shot out from Demonban's right hand.

It was a beautiful sight, like falling stars, and a mysterious light emitted from Demon Van's right hand.

A great darkness collided directly with the light.

The light engulfed the darkness.

"Sir, I mean, if you had the chance to bring the person you love back to life again, what would you do, Luobo?"

"What more can I say? Of course, this must be done at all costs."

West, with his big black body, reacts to Elsa with an aura of madness.

As the "heart" of the Dark Giant, Elsa's main mission is to organize the magical power that es from "God."

The "power of God" has been passed down since ancient times.

As long as the positions of the stars in the sky do not change, the power of "God" will not weaken.


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