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大家在看重生巫族,牧守洪荒 诡异入侵 多子多福,从拿捏九幽女帝开始! 老祖别苟了,宇宙要没了 万道天尊 帝霸 星辰王 绝世神皇 狩魔大宗师 噬神塔 
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第102章 再无悬念

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"Don't be discouraged, if you try a little, you can use good magic. After all, you are a magician who can do business with me."

I don't know if I can call this a consolation or an opportunity for me to improve myself.

But it doesn't matter if it's the first or the last.

Because that would put him to the test.

Demon Van's right hand let out a strange wind and flashed, as if a powerful wind was gathering to create a disaster.

But there is something more dangerous than this world.

If it is released, it will be more tragic than the end of the world.

Even among demons, Kuro felt the horror of the technique.

Demonban raised his hand and looked at the "god" the Doctor had created. West takes control but does nothing.

I hate to say it, but Kuro is very scary.

Kuro couldn't imagine what would happen if his opponent dodged this blow, and he didn't want to think about it.

"What are you waiting for?"

Although the voice of fifty was heard, the pace of the giant did not slow down.

The cold magic emanating from his body was like a giant disaster in human form.

The world was transformed by the Garden of Eden, and cities were seen as its source.

Even if the light stops there, the Garden of Eden will not change.

Elle couldn't understand what it was.

But there was one thing Elle knew. That means you have to fire the energy ball at Demon Van's hand to hit him.

Elle didn't know how to explain the power she got from that formula.

This kind of power is pletely different from the power I hold as a magic book.

The core of the reactor was clearly a demon, but the magical power that El gave it had nothing to do with that magical power.

The rest of the power es from the demon itself, or other systems within the demon's body, because El's "furnace heart" is actually responsible for illuminating and protecting the environment.


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