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第101章 尘域废土

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Although she looks like a human, Elle is not a human but a grimoire, so naturally her thoughts are from the perspective of the grimoire.

However, the other party is not the owner and their actions have nothing to do with them.

I am just grateful to the people who helped me during that time.

No matter what you say, he is not important.

Therefore, unless the other person is a bad person, Elle does not have the circumstances or time to care for another person.

Despite her appearance, Elle, who has been fighting evil for many years, does not have the thoughts that an ordinary person should have.

He mostly exists to destroy evil gods.

"At first I thought that Kuro had no fighting ability, so I came in a hurry. But you can be a magician and have a magic book that is the greatest secret of all time. According to the legend. , he was a master of magic.” died.”

"It's better to deal with things like this yourself. It's a waste of time."

"Hey, who do you think is guilty?"

"But it's not my fault. When I think about it, I'm just expecting people to have problems."

"I don't even use attack magic. If you blame me for everything, I will be angry, I will be angry."

Aria looked at Kuro in disbelief, obviously not seeing the circles of magic wrapped around him.

The divine power residing in his body could not be called terrifying.

Such a powerful god power was inferior in every way, even pared to the demon weapon god.

"No, I said, who on earth forgot me and ran away!"

Kuro is saddened that the man forgot about him and took him away, wondering why he left.

There was no need for an innocent Kuro to deal with such a thief.

Of course, Kuro didn't mean to be angry, but he just wanted to find a reason to leave Aria here.

Even his opponent appears to be a destructive robot, which is one of the dreams of Arcane City, and Grand Cross Kuro, who turns out to be a mage, cannot believe it.


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