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大家在看开局召唤:我的燕云十八骑有点多 穿越后系统给双修功法什么意思? 天域丹尊 绝世道君 成就仙帝,全靠敌人的努力 神道帝尊 渊天尊 守城百年千夫所指?灭族别找我! 狩魔大宗师 噬神塔 
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第101章 尘域废土

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"Oh, if possible, I will go first.

There is no mercy, and after making a deal with Elle, Aria is also reluctant to act.

Black's fight is really amazing if Elle.

But now, from what this guy said in the lighting and bookstore.

Did you know that El Azif is the "original" book of magic, the true secret book of necromanism? , can't be done at all.

There is no doubt that Aaliyah's decision after that was that if Elle was single, there would be no problem fighting Black Harami.

But if the grimoire belongs to someone else, it is someone else's work.

The destructive robots appear for now, but if the war really starts here, it will mean a permanent war with the Black Sanctuary.

To the magician who carried the cross, even though he was not a god of war, he only asked for death.

Aria doesn't have the confidence to face the Reverse Cross wizards.

He does not avoid danger, but danger and seeking death are two different concepts.

I am worried that I will put my brother in danger if I do that.

Sacrificing myself for my sister is worse than death.

That's why Aria doesn't agree.

Aria fell to the floor without thinking too much.

During this time, Grand Cross Kuro also became a wizard, and after making a contract with Elle, his appearance changed a lot.

For example, I don't know when she started wearing black tights and long hair.

Instead, El stood on Kuro's shoulders like a doll.

It's about the size of your palm and looks great.

Alya looked at Elle like that, and at the same time Elle also noticed that Alya was carrying a lot of magic books.

She couldn't bear to look into his evil eyes.

If there was a reason, it was because the man in front of me was dealing with a collection of magic books.

It's beautiful because that look in his eyes is like seeing a man with hundreds of women.


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