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大家在看天启预报 诸天从穆念慈开始 名侦探柯南之琴酒立志传 钟小艾给我生四胎关你侯亮平屁事 港综:从拘灵遣将开始 四合院,我的新生 诸天影视流浪 诸天从心录 谍战:从军统崛起 影子特工 
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第一百二十四章 春绿

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The river often overflows, and the rainy season is always warm,

My friends like to catch fish,

Autumn is a mature day with yellow and red leaves

It's like missing in a fairy tale, covering the earth gently.

There are traces of bicycles running over the ramp,

There are fireflies in autumn, and there are countless stars.

Despite the TV and radio,

Adults prefer to sit outside and chat.

Yes, this is what I am describing now. The reason why I still want to recall it is that it is being abandoned by the times.

Those simple things that are green, fresh, lively and casual, and do not need literature and art to repeat, are gradually replaced by some plicated and boring things,

Maybe memories often forget the content of bad mood,

But our original happiness, indeed

The truth is based on that

It is a primitive village full of birds and flowers.

If it can also be copied and restored,

I'm not going to write this to try to satirize.

Children will not lose the happiness of imagination,

With a sharp brush, to carve those who have no feelings

There is no so-called art of color,

Cars shuttle through crowded cities,

Life, but abandon the original freedom.)


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