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第106章 酸菜包

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The origin of sauerkraut bun may be related to the food culture in ancient China. In ancient times, people usually made sauerkraut and flour together into food to increase the taste and nutrition of food. With the passage of time, sauerkraut bun gradually became an independent food and spread widely throughout China.

The production method of sauerkraut bag is simple, mix sauerkraut and flour together, add appropriate amount of water and seasoning, knead into dough, then divide the dough into small pieces, roll out into thin slices, wrap into sauerkraut filling, and finally steam. Sauerkraut bag taste sour and delicious, deeply loved by people.

Sauerkraut buns are made in different ways and flavors throughout China. For example, in northeast China, sauerkraut buns usually use sauerkraut marinated with Chinese cabbage, which has a sour taste and rich taste. In North China, sauerkraut bao is usually pickled with mustard greens, which has a fresh taste and delicious taste. In southwest China, sauerkraut bao usually uses pickled cabbage with green vegetables, which has a sour and spicy taste and a unique taste.

In short, sauerkraut bun is a Chinese food with a long history and rich cultural connotation. Its origin can be traced back to ancient China, and after thousands of years of development and evolution, it has bee an important part of Chinese food culture.


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