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第135章 四卷32

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马龙探案卷四 之 正确的凶案 三十二


Chicago’s favorite show place, the old McClane mansion on Lake Shore Drive, was a blaze of lights. From a little distance it looked like a house on an ornamental Christmas card. The afternoon’s heavy snowfall had left great white drifts on the lawn and outlined every cornice and crevice with a soft, pale dusting. The sky was clear now and brilliant with stars. Below it, Lake Shore Drive was digging itself out of the snow.


Helene stole a glance at Malone. The little lawyer was gray-faced; indeed, he seemed close to exhaustion. She wished he would tell her what he had in mind, but she knew there was no use in asking questions. Whatever it might be, he was, at the same time, excited about what he was going to do and unhappy over the necessity of doing it.


For all the weling lights of the McClane mansion, she shivered a little at the sight of it. Something unpleasant was going to happen, and she didn’t know what it was.


“I wish Jake were here,” she said under her breath, just loud enough for Malone to catch.


“So do I,” the lawyer said grimly. “If Jake doesn’t find the right luggage locker and arrive here with the contents in time, the whole show will blow up.”


They found Mona McClane in the living room, curled up on the chimney seat, her small, pointed chin resting on her fist, staring into the coals. Helene was reminded suddenly of a black kitten crouched by the fire, stretching and curving its paws and blinking at the flames, half hypnotized by them. The room was in semidarkness, the long windows still admitted the faint gray of a Chicago twilight, and only the fireplace and one soft light glowed in the room.


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经典收藏十日终焉 诡异监管者 规则怪谈:冲了鬼新娘,我不当人了 惊悚游戏:女鬼们的软饭?真香! 木叶:准备叛逃,系统来了 鬼吹灯 我在娱乐圈当风水顾问的那些年 非解密档案 茅山终极僵尸王 盗墓:修仙无敌,纵横天下 好感度暴增:你管这叫D级天赋? 五行诡闻 神级风水师 九叔:简化金光咒,晒太阳就变强 绝美冥妻 我是特勤啊,怎么全是变态技能? 惊悚游戏?玩的就是惊悚游戏 我的玄门生涯 平城警事 人间苦 
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