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大家在看我家娘子,不对劲 天启预报 天!这里没有女人 斗罗V:进化太古苍龙,娶妻成神 致命武库 斗罗之开局一个霜奶仙 轮回乐园之旅 诸天从四合院启航 负债百万后,我在年代开工厂 诸天:从天下第一开始的千户 
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I think there should be some rules regarding what can be claimed and what can't. Currently, it is possible to claim around the end portal. Since there are only a limited number of strongholds, it is possible for someone to claim them all and then build boxes around them so that other people can't go visit the end without teleporting to a home or someone else.

Hello everyone!

Nov. 1st, 2020 is the one-year anniversary of Survival season 7.0, so I decided to host a giveaway to celebrate that. The prize is a /disguise perk. It's simple to join this giveaway. Reply to the thread with the information below and you'll be entered!

Your IGN and your discord name (including the tag)

Your acplishments, favorite parts, or good memories in season 7

Your plans for season 8

Make sure to answer all the questions above so that your entry is valid. The giveaway will end on Nov. 1st at 11:59 pm MST. The winner will be chosen randomly.

Good luck everyone :D

It’s hard to believe Survival 7.0 is already almost eight months old. Time flies! It’s time for another reset and a new season to e, so I’m making a Mega Thread.

With the 1.12 update introduced in season 7.0 and the new changes and ideas suggested by the munity, Season 8.0 will definitely be a season to look forward to!

More Focus on the Resources Worlds

Better Economy

Better PvP

More Ways to Play

More Things to Do

This mega thread is a detailed list of changes and new features suggested by the Survival munity (including myself) that I believe could or should be added for Survival season 8.0.

If you have more ideas or would like to add to or change some of the suggestions listed here, please leave a ment. Feedbacks from the munity is always helpful!


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站内强推十日终焉 重生之将门毒后 我的诡异人生 仕途人生 重生飞扬年代 1972,红旗招展的青春年代 让你写作文,你写规则怪谈? 截教扫地仙的诸天修行 九世轮回解封,病娇反派女主降临 大明暴君,我为大明续运三百年 兽世好孕:娇软兔兔被大佬们狂宠 都重生了谁谈恋爱啊 诸神愚戏 踏星 春心荡漾! 快穿:在年代世界悠闲生活 重生:1977 两界倒卖,我成了宇宙首富 权欲:从乡镇到省委大院 造化血狱体 
经典收藏我家娘子,不对劲 期待在异世界 影视世界从做厨师开始 没钱上大学的我只能去屠龙了 救命!我真的吃不下了 我在诸天有角色 我的替身是史蒂夫 从绣春刀开始崛起 九叔世界里的老不死 HP:德拉科说非我不娶 木叶开始的日向宗家 列车求生:我的野蛮人不对劲 从一人开始叠最厚的甲 诸天从穆念慈开始 影视世界的逍遥人生 木叶的遗产继承大师 要听时空管理局的话 蜡笔小新家的猫主子 斗罗:开局入梦,比比东人设崩了 我从斗罗镜像诸天 
最近更新室友是修士,而我觉醒成了魅魔 明日方舟:凯尔希的哥哥越狱中 【活佛】我哥和我对象打起来了 病娇霸总的白月光影帝重生了 喜羊羊之青七向荣 轻点罚!乖软哼哼哭包,他知错了 影帝饲养手册 斩神:终将成神! 崩坏:崩坏三,我来了 穿进斗罗成辅王,带迷弟迷妹造反 大小杂文 HP布莱克与马尔福 镇魂街:群英唐王 绝区零:傲娇艾莲只剩娇 我的未婚妻雪之下拼命想逃婚 宝可梦之传奇小智 蟾兎仙圣 救命!谁家兽王会分化成雌性啊! 摔!你是诡异,还是我是诡异啊 梦幻西游:上神白锦瑟 
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