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大家在看盘龙之龙起万载 这游戏也太真实了 天!这里没有女人 影视世界从做厨师开始 斗罗之开局一个霜奶仙 四合院:百岁老人,娄晓娥摸错门能怪我? 我,哥斯拉,小弟梦比优斯! 影视都市从四合院开始 你们二次元真会玩 这个训练家的宝可梦过于跳脱 
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I think there should be some rules regarding what can be claimed and what can't. Currently, it is possible to claim around the end portal. Since there are only a limited number of strongholds, it is possible for someone to claim them all and then build boxes around them so that other people can't go visit the end without teleporting to a home or someone else.

Hello everyone!

Nov. 1st, 2020 is the one-year anniversary of Survival season 7.0, so I decided to host a giveaway to celebrate that. The prize is a /disguise perk. It's simple to join this giveaway. Reply to the thread with the information below and you'll be entered!

Your IGN and your discord name (including the tag)

Your acplishments, favorite parts, or good memories in season 7

Your plans for season 8

Make sure to answer all the questions above so that your entry is valid. The giveaway will end on Nov. 1st at 11:59 pm MST. The winner will be chosen randomly.

Good luck everyone :D

It’s hard to believe Survival 7.0 is already almost eight months old. Time flies! It’s time for another reset and a new season to e, so I’m making a Mega Thread.

With the 1.12 update introduced in season 7.0 and the new changes and ideas suggested by the munity, Season 8.0 will definitely be a season to look forward to!

More Focus on the Resources Worlds

Better Economy

Better PvP

More Ways to Play

More Things to Do

This mega thread is a detailed list of changes and new features suggested by the Survival munity (including myself) that I believe could or should be added for Survival season 8.0.

If you have more ideas or would like to add to or change some of the suggestions listed here, please leave a ment. Feedbacks from the munity is always helpful!


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站内强推十日终焉 分手后,五个高官女儿爱上我 疯批小师叔她五行缺德 浮光三千里 魏晋干饭人 大明暴君,我为大明续运三百年 北美悍警:从洛城巡警开始 漂亮炮灰又被疯批觊觎了 天渊 一觉醒来,三个老头叫我爸 误入婚途[娱乐圈] 我们还没毕业,辍学的你成战神了 规则怪谈,欢迎来到甜蜜的家 幸福生活从1949年开始 穿越兽世:绑定生子系统后逆袭了 师妹低调点,我还没无敌呢! 四合院之何雨柱轮回从51年开始 我祁同伟,不事权贵,从村官干起 重生七零再高嫁 七零:上午结婚下午给前夫烧纸 
经典收藏我家娘子,不对劲 人在斗破:开局觉醒儒圣系统 我要与超人约架 这游戏也太真实了 港综开始,求法诸天 剑出青城 宇智波余孽被迫拯救忍界 人在柯南朝五晚九 不灭钢之魂 我在伟大航路摸尸那些年 与电视剧同行 我在黑篮打篮球 从一人开始叠最厚的甲 权游之佣兵之王 全球御兽:开局觉醒SSS级天赋 我在火影创造克苏鲁 终极三国之战起 四合院里的钓鱼佬 原神:执行官怀孕,她们开始后悔 海贼开始的奇妙冒险 
最近更新叶罗丽之星河万里 火影:佐鸣基热天堂 希卡利家的女儿小希雅 先锋战士之嘎子这一生 向前行1 大地旅行手记 伴你长大 碧蓝幻想 流火集 韩娱:完美开挂人生 负债百万后,我在年代开工厂 戴拿的二周目奇妙冒险 叶藏宰,但是名柯 鸣人的考试 假面骑士decade:赎罪 各大旅游景区 医妃搬空国库去逃荒,建造世外桃 中国各地风土人情收录 崩坏:从黄金庭院开始 种地吧:我们之间 
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