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Judging from the actions of the devil Zeratul, Du Fei was sure of one thing, and that was the purpose of this lie. Once people learn to abide by the law, the arrogance of the police will remain in people's hearts forever, and Zhou Xu can quit the platform. "

The man accepted the order and immediately sent someone to transport the soldiers to the rear.

Liu Mingyu came out of the building, walked up to Lu Haipeng and said, "Brother Lu, we can organize people to bring the diamond head back. There is also a powerful evil force to capture, and then we will go back . "

"What kind of meat is this? Song Yan slowly fell to the ground at the entrance to the forest outside the south gate of Wutong Base. Many special forces gathered here."

“First, if the writing is people-oriented, it means the content is good.

Secondly, it can be cultivated on a large scale, which is related to the fact that the vast ocean provides almost unlimited land, which is more valuable than land.

Third, it has many benefits. Although sargassum is not a seaweed with high benefits, it is better than ordinary food.

The path that Daniu and others took back was Ruyan City Gate, and the distance from the city gate to Danbu Bridge was the area of the watchtower. The tower will be staffed with several archers, and there will also be a sniper rifle in the room below the tower. "

Guo Haoyu saw that Song Yan's black wings were unique in the sky. The Blood Prince planned a special mission. How to pay tax?

When the electric current was released, the second monster pierced Liu Yuyi's magnetic field with a gray aura. The second monster immediately burst into flames, and its entire body turned into coal and exploded. Liu You . In front of the wings, the dead must die.

The end of the world has been going on for a long time. At this time, everyone already knows the power of heaven. Everyone believes that Tang Mo has a certain talent, but this is not an unexpected trick.


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