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After resting for a while, Liu Xing stood up, took out a gun from the ammunition box, handed it to Li Dalong, and said, "Can you use a gun? Gun? This store."


Although everyone left, they deliberately escaped from Liu Mingyu . "

Ning Hao didn't know that Yu Zhe was related to Dou Qingyuan, and he didn't know that there was a large group of demons guarding the first floor of the Jade Defense Zone. He probably wouldn't know. A little stressful. born

Suddenly, King Kong made a loud noise.

Both are petitors, why is the gap so big? "

Yu Chaomu, who had never spoken before, didn't know how to tell Zhong Hanyu in front of so many people that he had attacked Zhong Runyu 's body and then turned back. "

“Now…Sister Xue, be careful!

Liu Xing, who was already out of breath, quickly placed Gan Lipeng and Gan Lipeng, who weighed more than 100 kilograms, next to the soldiers' belongings, and then fell to the ground with a hiss. I do. He lost half his life, his whole body was sore, and he was sweating profusely. He could only say: "I...I understand...how Peng Linxin felt when she caught Zheng Qiang." ...and then ran away..."

In order to support Liu Xing's weight, Xiaogang quickly jumped off Liu Xing's shoulders and grabbed Liu Xing with his small hands. He felt relieved .

Almost immediately. From today on, I, the Fulani soul, will be their leader! "Jiang Zhi said.

… …

The night was very dark, the fog was shrouded in Nanzhou, not a single star could be seen in the sky, and the darkness obscured everything.

In fact, the rising and evolving souls are both similar bodies, so the rising person will also evolve.

He stopped and came to Times Square, where Special Forces personnel were gathered, most of them waking up from the effects of the drug. "

Fan Bing clapped his hands behind his back with a smile on his face.


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站内强推十日终焉 年代1960:穿越南锣鼓巷, 重生:权势巅峰 官道:从殡仪馆平步青云 诡舍 那年花开1981 武道大帝 快穿之妾室妖娆,生存掠夺守则 遮天 武神主宰 穿越四合院之开局落户四合院 我靠破案养家糊口 阵问长生 快穿:在年代世界悠闲生活 医路官途 空间之山村悠闲 长嫡 诡道长生:我在诡异世界封神 家有娇妻芙宁娜 官场从秘书开始 
经典收藏灵境行者 科技:打造巅峰华夏,从横推鹰酱开始 快穿开启锦鲤运 亿万分身存档 深海余烬 震惊!开局一片地,暴击出奇迹 我在荒岛肝属性 丧尸绝城 末世多子多福:我打造最强安全屋! 星际帝国:我是舰队指挥官 盗墓笔记 智人 末世兽化:变成巨齿鲨加风神翼龙 都末世了,人生躺平系统才来? 会穿越的流浪星球 求生:我在末世卡BUG 末世:从校花开始我觉醒无限异能 星际领主:召个魅魔当秘书官 深海求生:我能看到弹幕提示 在异世捡垃圾,带回末世搞基建 
最近更新地网叶后传 废土之烬,天降奇锅 囤货亿万,我养活末世基地 罪恶都市,我以肉身横渡宇宙 末世:我有一座武器库 重生囤货之高冷御姐闯末世 星际破案追凶有我们银河重案组 末世重生:唯独我每次抽卡必出金 星际10K 末世:我只想安静做个独行侠啊! 鼎天立地 永恒的舞动 箱子里的末日游戏 公路求生:开局一辆顶配房车 暗星之上 就这个第五人格爽 末世来的迫不及防 废土种田:融合师生存日志 大宇航时代:从佣兵开始 人在末世,我有一座悬浮城 
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