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n the house.

But when they came together and let Liu Xing understand their friendship, the killer Zeng Danping appeared. Gan Lipeng was angry and killed people randomly regardless of Gan Lipeng 's explanation. Liu Xing was very angry .

Liu Rou made a promise in her heart.

"Why me? Do you have anything important? Borrow it and I will return it."

After recognizing the ghost, Liu Feng and Li Xinyue lowered their bloodless faces, not knowing what to say, and looked at Li Lu silently, waiting for the answer. "

Qin Hualong replied : "All seven people were injured, but the injuries were all serious. Even if the pearl was taken away, they could not recover. But the deceased had already entered the city directly, so we followed me and he walked behind me. , They made shame."

Zhang Guoxuan said with a look of help. "

His voice rang out across the field, and all the warriors listened to him with joy.

Since the prisoners were women, old people and children, they were kept in a large room.

A giant creature that was originally thought to have no idea of life or death appeared. "

"Oh, He Jianguo came to me and said what happened? This gives us too much time, and it is useless to make any progress. The Bali Sea, Sumba Strait, Sabu Sea, Straits States, etc. are all blocked by the Americans Yes." After that, the Timor Sea and the Arafura Sea have been blocked by Australian troops and cannot be crossed.

"What should we do? When we were in Xucheng, Bai Feng was still following Z5 among the hundreds of thousands of dead people . He brought hundreds of thousands of people with him back to Xucheng City. He died and he left, there." "But Bai Feng still killed him."

The soldier shook his head, then said, "I don't know, I can't see well at night! Why don't I help you?"

He looked at Bai Feng and said, "He is under arrest.


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