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Zhang Yue said loudly, carefully measuring the black weapon in his palm, with a smile on his face like a huge threat. "

"Before I answer, I have a question, can you wait until I get back?"

Zhang Hao suddenly became serious when he heard this: "Have you all checked carefully? I am the team that caught Ao Ge! Now it seems that there are many cars behind the first one, so we can only queue up."

Liu Mingyu gave the phone to Luo Wenyong: "Can you temporarily transfer secret information to this device? Because it is stupid! Sola Dungeon is a world full of chaos, as if we are still stuck in the past and everyone is gone." From now on, there will be destruction, no order, the law of the jungle and the law of the strong, not just for money, why not open it to the outside world?

From then on, both parties should get along day and night. If they do not love each other, peace will continue, causing great danger. "

After saying this, Liu Xing entered the deep path .

He walked away, leaving Li Dalong standing weakly like a wooden boy , holding Gan Lipeng in his arms .

Yuzhe immediately turned to Ning Hao and said: "You immediately arrange for us to fly to the Andaman Islands as soon as possible.

Before Tang Mo came in, he calmed the two of them carefully, then opened the door and found that Mother Qiao was unconscious. He took the mouse out in one step, in less than three seconds.

Because he wants to follow, let him follow. Because Qin An can't stop him, he can only accept it. After all, Liu Rou has some special qualities. Even if he is good at dealing with danger, it will definitely not be a problem. . . Don't protect him. Wardrobe

At this moment, Liu Ru became stronger.

Qin An quickly stepped forward and grabbed Ding Yao again.

At this moment, the giant snake was very angry. If he didn't hit the ma blade directly now, facing the giant snake, Qing Ling would suffer.


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