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大家在看全民求生:开局百倍修炼速度 踏星 我在星际重着山海经 全民创世:开局打造了混沌洪荒 末日重生:我抢了大佬机缘 末日崛起 快穿三岁半:团宠小奶包甜又软 开局一艘列车,我掠夺诸天文明 废土之上,我拖家带口去拾荒! 系统提前七天,我于末日无敌 
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第105章 52

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Liu Mingyu opened her mouth and ordered: "Hurry up and see what is going on here?

A new batch of sea zombies brought from underground were also brought here.

Song Yan also felt that these ruins were like paradise. He can rely on demons, generals, and even the buildings here to make himself stronger.

I could look these monsters in the eye. "Now the population has been greatly reduced, but the loss of the originally stored food is limited, although there is less in the Magic City this time."

“It stops bullets, it stops explosions, and now it can fly.

There is really no way. In a shopping mall outside the city, I tried to eat canned food brought by Liu Minggu. I also tried the Accord. I accidentally found a lot of cans when I was buying them.

And even if the bad energy isn't replaced, our ships carry enough energy to keep us moving for a long time. "

"Combat skills are basic low-level Baiwu or intermediate Qingwu. The white one can be used for one day, and the green one can be used for ten days.

Wang Huairou nodded slightly, smiled slightly, and said: "Okay, let's go out and see the situation."

"Okay, e with me.

In fact, there are already signs that this will happen. Since Lao Cao was transferred to the fishing pany, he not only made a lot of money, but also gained a lot of contacts.

“Okay, let’s start with our first auction, a 30-round Walker assault rifle.

But since there were very few monsters there, it blocked my view. Without the gift of the gods, when the oil runs out, humans will have to rely on the sun.

However, if such coverage exists, we will have to wait for another spacecraft to explore other locations and return for confirmation.

– Well, of course you can.

"What's this guy's power? He's just really hungry, isn't he?

Zhao Ziliang nodded. Zhang Hao then explained: "The pany's next transformation will be carried out, and the previous business will no longer be carried out. I hope you are ready."


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