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大家在看踏星 末世多子多福,我一天捡一个女神 废土崛起 最强治愈师 科技:打造巅峰华夏,从横推鹰酱开始 我在末世种个田 我的末日避难所系统 我家水库真没巨蟒啊 全球冰封:我囤积千亿军火 废土之上,我拖家带口去拾荒! 
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第100章 3

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I want to hurry up too

Liu Ruotong thought for a while and thought, "Is this really the effect of acupuncture?"

"So don't worry, hurry up and play the latest live broadcast.

“Governor Li, I didn’t tell you that I wouldn’t invest in Australia, why are you holding me back?

Liu Mingyu checked the system update requirements. "

"Hello, this is a private area and cannot be entered. Please leave immediately."

Today, almost no part of humanity is alive.

Of course, this group of people did not leave the live broadcast screen.

There are almost no ments on my account and dozens of messages appear in my inbox almost every second. ——The man said calmly.

In the dream, a new coal mine was discovered on the island of Tasmania, with reserves of up to 50 billion tons, almost twice the coal reserves of Carmichael.

Small meetings outside the U.S. framework run slowly and decisions are made slowly.

The dog bit Lu Dongbin, and he didn't know what was right or wrong. "

"This is an internal document of your pany. I can't see it. Is the spaceship you see the same as the document in your hand? Something is wrong!"

More than two months ago, Zhang Hao acpanied Mayor Minde to Zhucheng to manage the oil refining project. During this time, he not only met Minister Yin at the Ministry of Energy, but also began to deceive him. "

someone shouted again. This time, Yuzhe raised his head and looked straight. He saw an old man, but he ignored him.

However, no one stood on this side to object.

We once again received a serious warning that we detected the movement of a spacecraft near Zhang Lining. "

He Zhizhou said to Zhang Guojin. Mr. Wang asked immediately.

Instead, this is a short-term deal.

So when they found out that China occupied the moon, their first thought was to go to Mars.


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