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第97章 23

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In fact, this place is not around the solar system. "

Of course, even fewer people suspect that these spacecraft are actually agents sent by the Guards.

Suddenly, several opinions appeared on the Internet. They all said that they were not employees of Xincheng Group and insisted that the spacecraft in the live broadcast room photo was not a product developed by our pany.

This is why white technology that has been around for a long time became available in such a short time.

When the white hole released energy and matter, Liu Mingyu also appeared calm. "

Zhang Jiayi stopped and continued:

"There's also a career issue. Don't look for links to get them into the system. That's not going to work."

Wenqing felt very sad when she saw that Tang Mo got the same score as herself, because she couldn't escape anywhere. "Zhang Jiayi was immediately stunned.

He wanted to help the man because he saw that the man looked tired, but he didn't know what to do.

It is certainly a good thing to eliminate zombies, but the current situation is that the thunder in the city can destroy those zombies left in the city.

Mars could also be ruled by Earth's guardians. Although there were more than 200 people, most of them were young men and women.

Only ten minutes later, Xue Bing arrived.

When he put Qin An on the roof, he found that she was not wearing any clothes!

"Tell me the second option!"

"You are right, but I don't want to do it, and the worst thing is that it is difficult to leave the pany. I have learned some knowledge, but I haven't used it yet, so I want to leave immediately. .

When will China have such technology?

This time it went deeper, and the entire sword got stuck in the giant zombie's ear hole! DJ said.

Liu Mingyu knew that it was a symbol of the big white hole that was about to form the door to the universe. "


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