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第91章 4

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But if it’s not reincarnation or a clone, then what is it? Du Fei stood holding the beauty and fell asleep strangely.

There are only a few huge D1 zombies around .

It is a pity that the wave star never left the image. If the image of the construction was left, they could mine the mines according to the construction requirements. I want to go too, because there used to be real monkeys and fake monkeys, but now there are real brothers and fake brothers.

From what I understand again, the location of people in the planetary fluctuations doesn't seem to have anything to do with the local creatures.

Did anyone escape and e back?

After picking up the phone, he looked at Song Zhang and said:

"Ajaan, are you willing to e back to me?" There is an urgent matter now.

There are materials in an apocalyptic world.

Ten minutes passed slowly. Liu Mingyu was busy checking those mysterious signs and didn't even notice the arrival of other assistants. Kusu Ran asked loudly.

"Don't you know how many women are at the door?"

"Take me with you!"

Luckily, this isn't officially implemented yet, so our plans aren't over yet.

Less than five minutes after arriving, the transformed mouse came out.

But it's definitely less of a headache if only a few people are involved. Are you talking about tower climbing?


Yu Chaomu washed his hair slowly, his forehead confused.

“It’s great to be able to give back to the kids.

It has been more than a million years since the Wave People left this planet. You'll feel great as soon as you walk in!

It was Dong Jianping, a plete stranger to Wang Huairou.

Most of the information is about planetary farming and planetary mining.

How much of Sombra's statement is true and how much is false?

"Don't worry, I can move at any time.


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