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第87章 2

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Oh my gosh, is this a God of War? Where are you

The defensive attribute once again increased his total body score by 500 points. "

"Oh my god, why is he here?" Fang Yuheng said.

The little bear has been hidden by Duoyang since he was born. He hadn't seen the same kind for a long time, and his eyes were full of curiosity.

Even if a fish is caught in a net in the sea, it will not immediately weaken and lose its life.

But Sun Zhengkang's good times did not last long. In a few months, the real-world brood may be approaching.

“It’s not necessary, their food is pretty good, they have everything here.

Knowing that the dragon would never stop no matter how fast it was, in order to succeed, the warriors put sky-like speed in front of the beast, leaving the opponent with nothing to do. time..

Now those who want to benefit from the light of the great god cannot eat well or sleep well. When they hear the screams of zombies, they all run to get weapons. "

"After entering the Demon City, the soldiers were very vigilant. What does this mean?"

"Where did these people e from and what are they doing here? I didn't even organize a wedding for her!"

After saying that, the man took a breath, bowed respectfully to Chen Mo, and said: "My assistant Sun Shunji met with the leader.

Maybe he was too cold. Zhang Zhixue stopped.

Because of his son's words, the store lost a great opportunity to make a fortune. If nothing is done now and gold is allowed to be purchased, the price will rise by 20% to 30% pared to selling. painting"

Qin An's expression did not change, but his eyes were fixed on Wu Zhen. At this time, the woman's face was already quite pale, and the corners of her eyes were filled with tears. King Kong clearly has a lot to say. Something that makes Wu Zhen sad.


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