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第85章 25

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An image flashed in Chen Mo's eyes and he sighed softly.

Zhao Ziliang said these seven words and immediately entered and exited the dimensional space to carefully examine the mysterious blanket.

From the last moment, there was only a little blue light left above the electric hammer, and then the face was filled with dark blue light.

"(⊙o⊙)Wow, the giant panda has such a good attitude!"

Liu Mingyu: "No problem, I'll be waiting for you at the pany then."

"Where? I'm talking about price, not profit. Is there a tonnage limit?"

Tang Xianhe looked at it and immediately thought of a way to collect it.

However, once an airport is built, it will not disappear on its own without outside intervention.

Various submarines dived into the sea to recover it.

If they haven't collected the stones by then, I'm afraid it won't be too late to shoot again.

This is really good.

Yang Huaqing shook his head and said with confusion: "Director Li, I have been to many zoos and even the Giant Panda Conservation Center in Shuzhou. Why haven't I heard of this service?

Try to rule out other factors that may affect the results as much as possible.

A hammer drill is similar to puter software. If it detects signs of a creature nearby, it will immediately launch an electric chain attack against the creature.

Zhao Ziliang walked out of the dimensional space, and an energy ball posed of space energy condensed on his forehead. With a slight wave of his hand, the energy ball rushed directly into the space in his palm.

Yanyang Lengyue suddenly pulled out the scissors and slashed at Badia's arms. Then he heard a loud "ding" sound, like two sharp swords falling back and forth on the stone. He actually heard the middle of the opponent's hand. !

Lu Chunsheng knew that it was useless to stay outside. "


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