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第77章 后记924.1414

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The person who poses the least threat is Yu Chaomu. Don't scare him with your words or actions. Otherwise, who would be afraid of a man in a head-to-head confrontation? "

Leremi shouted from the bottom of his heart: “I want it!

This information es from the system and contains various details.

"Second uncle, why did you let him go?"

Qin An nodded: "No problem!

Vacuum cannot conduct electricity, but magnetic fields can exist.

Zhao Ziliang smiled and said: "Old Sun, can you take any risks?

“Boss, it seems like my body has changed, it seems like I’m moving forward.

At that moment, Wang Huiru seemed to be in a sea of breath filled with breath, being protected.

Some may be ignored, but the victims should be taken seriously. The mainland is not a foreign country. Foreign countries are very chaotic. Sometimes a human life is not as important as a piece of bread. "The leader jumped up and explained, not because he was knowledgeable, but because he was exhausted physically and mentally from the tragedies he had experienced in the past few days. How could he not remember it?

But even though the size of this radius is small, it is still known to have a certain size.

Instead, he still prefers to appear quickly among the zombie-killing hordes. Every soldier around him can give him enough protection.

However, Zhao Ziliang couldn't see much. It was far away and dark.

They were immediately exposed to more radiation than they had been exposed to during the test.

Even if Liu Mingyu had the skills shared by Feitian, he might not be able to plete his transformation in such a short period of time.

This is really bad luck.

Either Xingchen Assistant or Xingchen Cloud can be pared with dozens or dozens of other panies.

Much of the early development of the system was due to Mingyu's luck in being able to develop the system.


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