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第75章 后记8723.41.4

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"I am..."

"Ha ha, alright!

The manager smiled professionally and said, "The founder of this year's music festival is Mr. Zhao Hong." Zhao!

What? Is it finally time to fight?

Unexpectedly, I fell asleep in a daze, and when I woke up, I saw that it was already three o'clock in the morning.

At this time, someone knocked on the door, and then Ding Chengkong entered the house.

“If you want to go, just go!

He couldn't say how long. It seemed like he could finally rest, now that his body was a little tired from continuing to use his skills. Both times I left you it was because of your contribution to the people of this foundation.

More than 20,000 silver moons and thousands of red moons launched a powerful attack mode at the same time.

From this point of view, Zhao Ziliang entered the virtual world together for simulation, but pared with the experience gained by Sun Zhengkang and others, the experience gained by Zhao Ziliang was very little.

Looking at the grenades launched from the darkness, Liu Yu had no uneasy thoughts. He quickly thought of releasing the bomb. The sound of thunder and lightning came from the body, igniting the living cells. Liu Yuyi's body. , which made Liu Yue's speed exceed the speed limit.

Finally, he met his brothers-in-law Wu Li, brother-in-law Wang, He Jin, Beidou, Qin Bing, Yun Duo, and Shi Jing. Seeing that most people were maintaining the same posture, Qin An breathed a sigh of relief and said. Beidou is controlled by everyone in the team, and everything is booked at the same time. Qin An doesn't want any accidents to happen.

A small black hole appears to absorb surrounding matter. In fact, the matter absorbed by the black hole is converted into atmospheric energy, which the black hole uses to propel itself.

The moon is bumpy and has no real buildings.


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