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第75章 后记8723.41.4

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He is more than material.

It may take a very small amount of energy to create attractive energy in the atmosphere, but when activated, the energy it produces is enormous. Why is it so powerful?

There is no need to provide false information to the employer.


Since he was bound since birth and had no freedom of movement, his remaining attack power was not terrible. "

Huo Ye raised his eyebrows and said, "Then tell me, what does a wave of animals look like?"

The so-called invisible can only be seen from the dimensional space and has no hidden effect. "

Coming back like this, Sun Zhengkang was a little hesitant.

Hearing Liu Mingyu's words, Huang Yi's eyes suddenly lit up. When he first started exploring, he felt that the energy in front of him was somewhat familiar. After Liu Mingyu's reminder, he already knew what was going on.

How can this big man in front of him stop the power of vomiting?

In the dimensional space, he clearly felt the difference between the dimensional world and the real world. Du Fei's figure flashed, and the ghost chased after him, but the man had already escaped to Du Huo. "

"First, you must live forever!"

Many life stories show that if the mother nest dies early or delayed, the portal to the black hole, like space, will eventually be used.

Since we don't know the specific value of the mother's nest, we can only analyze it through observation. "


“But there is such a space now, right?

Wang Huairu's strength is that of an eighth-level mid-level woman. With her strength, she can last for a day and a half without much pressure. !

DG grinned: "When you go out, I know where you will jump. If you go out too late, you will definitely kill those two bastards."

Song Yan's expression remained unchanged and his tone was casual.


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