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第63章 后记023.13.13

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ong the hillside to every corner of the village. Do you have 500 yuan per week for living expenses?

Lelimi has an IQ of 160 and has a unique talent for machines and information technology. This seems to be influenced by his father. Although he is not strong in frontal bat, he has the ability to collect machines, which is invaluable on the battlefield and can also bee a support for the entire hunting team. Huo also felt that his team needed help with language.

"Let's go!" Liu Xing pushed the sniper back into Zeng Qiang's hands. .

“Well ruled!

"Hello, Grandpa Zhang!

Bai Feng understood that Wang Qing's evolutionary ability was very strong, and he would definitely be defeated when facing the white cat who had a speed advantage.

Wherever the colorful halo passed, the blood on the ground was washed away, as if it had never appeared before. Instead, there are green buds, the unique color of life. But if you say this, you will end up like them! .

"I think as long as the brothers work hard and gain fame and fortune, we can definitely do it!"

There was sadness and hesitation in his voice, but in the end it turned into helplessness.

Death for justice!

"No, I contacted the Presbyterian Council, and the Presbyterian Council recognized your fighting ability.

But in the current swordsmanship training, Zhong Hanyu never left Yang Yang from the beginning.

Because Yu Chaomu has unlimited money, but when ordering food using the takeout software, you can't spend money. The money left by Chong Runyu online can only be used to buy things.

Upon hearing this, Tian Bing immediately tore off the chocolate wrapper, divided the chocolate into three pieces, and gave the twins two large pieces. Master Zhang picked up the 'King' from the table and threw it at Xue Yang's feet: "If you master the resources of the apocalypse, you can control the entire world!"


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