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第62章 后记923.13.23

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e flight information was not the person he said, but another girl - Muchengkong.

It wasn't that her bullet missed, but that Huo Ye couldn't even see him. These ordinary living corpses would never dare to e here under the same conditions.

He didn't have to say it directly. The real world has a given fixed connection, which is its current space.

The entire sixth floor is rustic and rustic, with a large room of more than 100 square meters and the most luxurious decoration. There is a large round bed at the foot of the bedroom. This bed is four meters wide and can sleep four or five people without any problem. Although he didn't agree with Zhou Yu's application for the police academy, he didn't care. Also, in a real territorial war, young people may have better fighting skills than militiamen.

Liu Mingyu knew that this price was not the other party's lowest price, but he was too lazy to continue arguing with Dougal. No matter how much he guesses, he will not be too low and will get the goods as soon as possible.

"I understand that China has restored munication." However, Liu Xing still stared indifferently ahead, witnessing the doomsday catastrophe with his own eyes again.

Follow the direction of the living corpse and immediately follow it forward. .


Seeing his mother's shocked expression, as if he had done something wrong, Tang Mo burst into laughter.

The figure rushed out of the door.

I just admire the house where Runyu lives now, it’s a great house!

After returning, Alice was not found at home, so Huo Ye asked about Fei Xun's situation. Alice first plained about why Huo Ye didn't talk to her first when he came home, and then said that she wanted to go shopping with Lerimi.

My abilities are limited, and what I can do is even more limited. I have to do my best to live my life and protect my mother.


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