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第55章 后记934,224

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Everyone was happy to hear this answer. "

"Don't the Star Group need a lot of manpower?"

“There is enough food in the store to last us until next year.

New satellites are very slow. "

Zhang Hao took out his mobile phone, opened the photo album, and let go.

Just like the movie "Enlightenment" I watched before.

In addition, due to the influence of the Shenyang prison control system, this is actually a form of exercise that takes an extreme route. "This is real?

These activities are still ongoing.

"Who I meet is none of your business!"

Lu Qi looked at the dark Song Yan with a "Sichuan" expression on her face and couldn't help but ask. "

Huo Ye curled his lips and smiled, and said proudly: "Exactly!

Yes, slowly, the origin of the mobile phone has not yet appeared in Guo Sam's hands.

After Tang Mo put down the gun and ammunition bag, he grabbed the blade and started the current training.

The bullet struck the guard in the shoulder, tearing off his entire arm. He lay down and cried. Even if he didn't die immediately, he would definitely not survive. Compared with the first two, his life is worse.

The golden sun shone with glory and great power, like a living fire. The number of monsters exceeds a million stars. "

Zhang Jiayi explained it very clearly.

Are they dead or alive?

Zhang Jianghe also had similar thoughts.

Qin An, who was in a good mood, came to his senses and walked towards the southeast.

In addition to the previous level 4 zombie cells, they were also found outside Gan Lipeng's house, which means that Gan Lipeng knows the way to eliminate level 4 zombies at level 4. It seems that Gan Lipeng is hiding something from Liu Xing.

When the first station was set up, they turned on emergency power. After that, their puters were used only for simple calculations. I did a little bit. By the way, Xiaoqing, is there anything strange about your body after you wake up? Or do you think it's better to get there by road? "


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