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大家在看全职法师 万古之王 天渊 师妹低调点,我还没无敌呢! 帝御无疆 系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 天兽鼎 乱世书 开局废了,我开启最强进化 镇守仙秦:地牢吞妖六十年 
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As for the generals who have been fighting in Cuixi District, they have no idea what this is. Some people openly call Nian Kuang an old man, which is something they dare not even think of!

What's even more speechless is that when Nian Kuang heard Wang Qiang speak, he not only didn't get angry, but instead turned his head and asked, "What are your plans

Wang Qiangguan didn't care about the extraterrestrial gaze of the surrounding generals, but thought for a moment and said, "Give me some people, I'll see if I can kill the giant zombies

No problem! What else do you want? "Nian Kuang agreed on the spot.

The best elite, the best weapons and equipment. "Wang Qiang was also polite.

Okay, someone! "Nian Kuang shouted.

An adjutant hurriedly rushed forward and said, "Commander, please give orders

You take Wang Qiang down to choose weapons and equipment, all battle sequences and other things, and he can use them at will. In addition, gather the elite of the General Military Region Defense Camp, immediately! "Nian Kuang arranged.

At the same time, he turned to ask Wang Qiang, "Is a thousand elite troops enough? These are all level three or above gene warriors, and 70% have special abilities

Many of the generals present took a deep breath of air. Nian Shuai was so stubborn that he let a seemingly inexperienced boy lead the defense camp to the front line to fight. Even if he didn't wear such a gold plating, would he still have to live?

However, Wang Qiang's answer was even more surprising to all the generals!

Upon hearing Nian Kuang's words, Wang Qiang pondered and replied, "If it's just dealing with giant zombies, a small team of fifty people would be enough


The atmosphere inside the mand post is extremely eerie.

Everyone was so shocked that they couldn't react. Refusing the elite defense camp of a thousand people is enough without saying that fifty people are enough?


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