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大家在看帝御无疆 开局心脏被挖,我移植魔祖之心 强化子嗣,我的后代都是仙界大佬 出生秒仙帝,除了无敌还是无敌 天域丹尊 系统赋予我长生,却忘记赐我不老 逆天悟性:从开创观想法开始长生 绝世天资被欺辱,我叛出宗你哭啥 万道天尊 星辰王 
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Command the 31st Division to invade the People's Bank of China area, and ensure that the People's Bank of China is in our hands! If you can take it home to Lefu and the People's Hospital, if you can't, you can stand by the solid fortifications of the People's Bank of China!

Order Zhao Changhan to mobilize the 30th Division to reinforce the Global Convention and Exhibition Center and Commercial Street, and make sure to firmly control this circular area!

Mobilize military artillery battalions and deploy them to the location of People's Park, conducting indiscriminate shelling towards the second to third ring roads!

Mobilize military special operations battalions and guard the three forked road intersection south of the First Ring Road. We must not lose this strategic position. Command Dong Wen to assemble the 32nd Division and replace the 37th Division, and then let other troops gather on their own as reserve forces to be mobilized at any time Nian Kuang ordered the army to repeatedly mobilize and deploy to urgently support the crumbling defense line.

After finishing all this, Nian Kuang came to his senses and said, "How did you deal with those three giant zombies

The officer in charge of the Second Line of Defense in Cuixi District is a Lieutenant General level Deputy Commander of the Thirteenth Army, named Ye Bufan, who is a staunch descendant of Sun Zaichen. At this moment, Ye Bufan is urgently municating with General Qiu Wuyuan about the bat situation and assisting him in pleting the deployment of the mobilized troops.

Upon hearing Nian Kuang's inquiry, General Ye Bufan raised his head and supported the eyeglass frame on the bridge of his nose, Speak in an orderly manner: Captain, in the previous battle, we had already concentrated heavy artillery firepower and narrowly managed to kill a giant zombie. However, the 36th Division, which was responsible for containing the giant zombie, was also covered and sacrificed by gunfire. Now, one of the remaining three zombies is in the direction of the green mountains and waters in the western section of the First Ring Road. The 37th Division has already been crippled by the zombie wave led by this zombie. Currently, this zombie wave is moving south and has been stationed in the mercial street Team firefight.


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站内强推十日终焉 我在精神病院学斩神 十里芳菲 官道:从殡仪馆平步青云 万古之王 烟雨楼 神印王座 退婚后,高冷女帝后悔了 重生60带空间 遮天 大明暴君,我为大明续运三百年 重生:1977 九龙至尊 阵问长生 逍遥四公子 四合院:带着仓库来到1959 六零:冷面军官被科研大佬拿捏了 四合院:从51年开始 大小姐她总是不求上进 家有娇妻芙宁娜 
经典收藏系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 师妹低调点,我还没无敌呢! 西游:贫僧不想取西经 强化子嗣,我的后代都是仙界大佬 修仙:从在炼器铺当厨子开始 卧底?三年又三年我成了魔道掌教 成就仙帝,全靠敌人的努力 厨神,妖兽:不好,我们成食材了 多子多福:女帝师尊成炉鼎 纯阳神体:仙魔双修 一个职业多个天赋,我成武圣了 盲目剑圣,睁眼即无敌 杀戮系统,绝世杀神 混沌天帝诀 全家老六,我只好在青楼躺平了 大荒经 厄难天书 万古第一废材 我,天命大反派,从拿捏圣女开始 垂钓诸神 
最近更新西游:顶替唐僧,搅乱三界 让你下山娶妻,谁让你当天师的? 高天神传 圣子别演了,我们能听到你的心声 仙胆苍穹 一人一驴一狗去修仙 穿越魔法世界,开局就是满级? 转生成为杀手之王,召唤诸界杀手 勇者不屠龙 凡人修仙:我有氪金面板 西游:收徒孙悟空,圣人被玩坏了 重生三万年,专治恋爱脑 长生,从被女修蹭灵脉开始 穿越后还被系统强制打工 巫妖族 修炼:从金丹圆满开始 明明才华横溢,却靠脸吃饭 修仙大陆穿越书 叶尘仙途之涅盘重生 吞天鼎 
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