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大家在看全职法师 万古之王 天渊 系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 西游:贫僧不想取西经 穿越后系统给双修功法什么意思? 开局废了,我开启最强进化 绝世道君 星辰王 问天三罪 
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Not only are the streets filled with flames of war, but gunfights and battles erupt in every building.

"Nian Shuai, the People's Hospital and Carrefour have been captured by zombies. If the People's Bank of China is captured again, the second defense line will be lost."

As soon as Nian Kuang got off the plane, General Qiu Wuyuan hurriedly reported the war situation to him.

Nian Kuang felt cold when he heard the words, and said in a cruel voice: "What war was fought? It was a mess! He ordered the 31st Division to transfer its elite to support the People's Bank of China, and then bring back Carrefour and the hospital to me! Isn't Carrefour set up a rapid fire gun turret, how can it be thrown away? You told Luo Kejin that if you can't take down Carrefour, don't e back to see me."

General Qiu said in embarrassment, "Nian Shuai, if it were really so easy to fight, 70% of the 37th Division wouldn't have been killed in battle. It's close to losing the entire army and losing its position. Ah

Nian Kuang was pletely shocked and said, "What's going on? The 37th Division is the fist army reorganized by Sun Zaichen. How could it have been defeated so miserably

Zhang Weimin, the mander of the 37th Division, ran up to Nian Shuai. The soldier, who had already lost one arm and one eye, had dried up blood on his face and saluted Nian Shuai with a standard military salute.

Nian Shuai was instantly shocked. What kind of battle would make a major general level division mander miserable like this! After this battle, regardless of victory or defeat, Zhang Weimin's military career should have e to a plete end.

For the people, how could this happen? "Nian Kuang asked.

"Regiment leader, there are giant zombies near the front line from Carrefour to the People's Bank of China, and all my children have been killed by giant zombies!" Zhang Weimin couldn't help crying.


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