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大家在看宿命之环 万古神帝 反派:女帝师妹黑化后成了病娇 斗罗大陆之我是配角 天域丹尊 洪荒:开局昆仑山,化身亿亿万 绝世道君 凡人修仙:从大能储物戒开始 绝世神皇 道界天下 
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Sun Zaichen's facial muscles trembled and he immediately said, "Little brother, your name is Wang Qiang, right? As long as you join my old Sun account, I will give you a colonel rank and allocate a strong army for your dispatch. How about that

Upon hearing this, Wang Qiang immediately shook his head and said, "I won't join you. I'm sorry

Why? "Sun Zaichen was stunned.

Haha, why are you still asking? Xiao Wang Mingming is my person. "Nian Kuai laughed heartily.

I won't join your camp either, "Wang Qiang said to Nian Kuang.

Why? "Nian Kuang was also stunned.

Both Nian and Sun are military lords, with powerful generals under their mand. In the past, they were always begged by others, but now it seems that they have turned the other way around. They even got a blind eye when they fought for others. It's really a day in the dark, and the sun is shining in the west.

Do you want glory, wealth, and honor? "Sun Zaichen asked.

Don't you take fame and fortune? "Nian Kuang also asked.

Wang Qiang shook his head, Say: You two are also big shots on the same side, and look at this world. The mountains and rivers are broken, the people are struggling to survive, the living suffer, and the dead die with peace in their eyes. And you, fighting openly and secretly, secretly setting up private armies, are so fierce and brave. Those of you who have the ability to change the world are constantly entangled for their own interests. Who will save this world? I join you, but I have bee a pawn in your struggle for power. This is not what I want Life

A moment of silence, wind, snow, frost, and cold, the world lost its voice.

What kind of life do you want, "Nian Kuang muttered.

How do you want to live? "Sun Zaichen sighed.

Although Wang Qiang was not very old, his words were like a slap in the morning and evening drums, which shook the hearts of both the young and old, and he couldn't help but blurt them out.


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