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大家在看帝御无疆 开局心脏被挖,我移植魔祖之心 我走后,为什么又哭着求我回来? 万古神帝 反派:女帝师妹黑化后成了病娇 穿越后系统给双修功法什么意思? 系统赋予我长生,却忘记赐我不老 多子多福,我的子嗣都是仙灵根 诸天之最强BOSS 绝世武神 
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Sure enough, before walking too far, someone had already fainted from lack of oxygen on the ground. Many people are also beginning to experience symptoms of insufficient nutrition, slow walking, and physical fatigue. And all of this happened within a few hundred meters of the tunnel.

Holding on to the tottering Jiang Yun, Wang Qiang felt very panicked. He didn't know how far this tunnel was, and he would surely die with one step.

Wang Qiang crossed a large number of people and came to Lin He, just about to inquire about the reason. But I saw Lin He wearing an oxygen mask on his face and carrying an oxygen tank, and there was nothing wrong with him. Wang Qiang looked towards Lin He again, and several of his guards were also equipped with oxygen masks. Each person is carrying a portable oxygen bottle, which seems to be well prepared.

Wang Qiang's anger ignited his chest hair. He reached out with a lightning bolt and caught Lin He's neck, lifting him up.

Lin He, whose neck was pinched, couldn't breathe in an instant, and even wearing an oxygen mask was useless. He struggled to take off the oxygen mask and said, "No... no... there's no more

Wang Qiang realized that pinching Lin He like this would make it difficult to inquire, so he put him down again. Lin He landed on both feet, unable to breathe, and was taking a few breaths with an oxygen mask in his arms.

The guards next to him noticed Wang Qiang's sudden attack and raised their weapons in preparation for confrontation. Unexpectedly, Wang Qiang was too strong. The coffin like tool box behind him was used as a weapon with one hand, and he smashed six people with three fists and two feet.

At this moment, Xu Fei rushed up, and he was not eligible for the allocation of oxygen masks. He was dizzy and saw that Wang Qiang had defeated Lin He's guards and successfully kidnapped Lin He. Xu Fei did not forget his responsibility and took out his weapon to aim at Wang Qiang. "Brother Qiang, don't do this, brothers, it's difficult to do it." Xu Fei shook his head and it seemed that he was already suffering from severe hypoxia.


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站内强推十日终焉 我在精神病院学斩神 十里芳菲 官道:从殡仪馆平步青云 烟雨楼 神印王座 退婚后,高冷女帝后悔了 犯罪心理 遮天 大明暴君,我为大明续运三百年 九龙至尊 重生另嫁小叔,夫妻联手虐渣 疯批小师叔她五行缺德 逍遥四公子 天才高手 官场:美女领导带我青云直上 六零:冷面军官被科研大佬拿捏了 空间之山村悠闲 苟在仙界成大佬 绮靡 
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