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大家在看宿命之环 西游:贫僧不想取西经 我走后,为什么又哭着求我回来? 万古神帝 老祖别苟了,宇宙要没了 逆天悟性:从开创观想法开始长生 神道帝尊 星辰王 绝世神皇 噬神塔 
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Lin He is also Lin Hu's eldest brother, who is a blood related brother. The eldest brother of the eldest brother is naturally the eldest brother. Now that the eldest brother wants Xu Fei to die, how can Xu Fei not die?

Xu Fei no longer covered his face with his hand, as he could no longer feel the pain. Xu Fei's heart became numb, as if he had been searching for food in the wilderness every day and waiting to die.

Xu Fei didn't know how to pull out the gun and handed it to Lin He. Lin He took the gun and weighed it in his hand, looking at Xu Fei meaningfully before lifting his hand.

Xu Fei felt as if all his beliefs had been shattered, and those who lost their faith were living like walking corpses. If walking corpses take cannibalism as a belief, Xu Fei feels that he is not even as good as zombies.

Get mixed up, Xu Fei thought, closing his eyes and waiting to die.

The gunfire rang out, and Xu Fei's eyelashes trembled, afraid to open their eyes. There were noisy screams ing from around.

I don't know which unlucky one pushed me to die before me. Xu Fei was still waiting to die, and after a good ten seconds, he returned to Xu Fei's waist with his gun.

Xu Fei opened his eyes and saw Lin He firing a gun into the holster he had given him. There was a corpse lying on the ground, with a black hole in the forehead and half of the back of the head being blown away.

Isn't that Lin He's beloved little sister!

Lin He actually personally killed the woman who was still in love a second ago!

The beautiful woman with a water lotus like appearance had already been stripped of her proud appearance, and the enormous penetration of the bullet had severely deformed her beautiful facial features, looking a bit ferocious, no longer as alluring and charming as before, but she could still vaguely see the surprise before her death.


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