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大家在看全职法师 万古之王 天渊 我孙悟空无敌2彼岸世界 西游:贫僧不想取西经 穿越后系统给双修功法什么意思? 开局废了,我开启最强进化 绝世道君 星辰王 万古第一废材 
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第149章 moment

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Wu Long, who was on the sidelines with a dry tongue, saw this scene and was immediately startled to urinate. His eyes widened and he looked like Mr. Bean.

I saw hundreds of steel spears thrusting towards the group of zombies! It's like a broom brushing a pot, with hundreds of spears poking at zombies without any reason.

These poor zombies have gone through the tests of knives and fire, endured the baptism of * * bags and bullets, and now they have encountered the devastation of the Long Spear Formation.

The zombie running in front was stabbed through the heart and lungs by the dense spear.

The entire lower city was extremely bloody, with all kinds of blood soaring. A ragged zombie was stabbed and hung on a spear, still scratching incessantly until it pierced through the head.

But when it es to using zombies later on, they won't care about it, they won't care about life or death because they've already died. So the joyful and cruel "zombie burning" began.

Many years ago, Hu Kaiqing had speculated and prepared for the city breaking battle. This set of cold weapon warfare techniques, full of ancient desolation, originated from ancient military operations and is a manifestation of Hu Kaiqing's wisdom. In Hu Kaiqing's eyes, the role of cold weapons in fighting zombies is much better than that of hot weapons, because once hot weapons cannot hit the deadly parts of zombies, they cannot stop them from mitting crimes. And cold weapons are different. Fast and solid killing power is what Hu Laoda loves, so this set of spear formation has been brewing for many years and finally put into use.

The zombies were vigorously playing big skewers, with more and more skewers on their spears. These zombies did not immediately die.

Hu Kaiqing dealt a blow and quickly thrust everyone towards the zombie's forehead. Finally, after mastering the tricks of killing the zombie, the situation on the battlefield began to show a clear improvement.


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