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大家在看系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 我的诡异人生 哥布林从剑之圣女开始 洪荒开局,灵宝伴生 盲目剑圣,睁眼即无敌 绝世道君 这个反派有点良心,但是不多! 万古第一神 人族镇守使 修仙:从在炼器铺当厨子开始 
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第102章 再无悬念

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The Donkey Woman hits Nayako on the head.

Nayako quickly walked and stepped on the place where her hand was hit.

However, it seems that this is the use of divine power, and the pain does not go away easily.

"Why do you want to hit me?"

"Because I wanted to spank you, but you said something you shouldn't have said."

said the actress.

"Alright, I'll talk."

The woman continued.

"Where's my name? I didn't think about it at all, but nothing happened. Nothing important."

"But what should we call her? Let's call her Red Queen. What do you think of that name? It sounds nice."


Unlike the "gods" born of these spirits, Lord Tryon has no desires.

But you are a bit curious about this so-called "omnipotent level of potential". In fact, there is something here that you have experienced many times since childhood, and that is exactly it. This is not the case. A desire may arise.

This has happened many times, including the Plan C and Reverse Cross rebellions.

You can do nothing but script-based development.

Even if the world collapses of its own accord, it will not defy the destiny determined by "God".

This strange event happened in the presence of Venus Trion.

Everything is different from the previous text, this is a new world, a new era, a new future.

That's why Lord Trion didn't even want to talk to the three people in front of him.

"Boss, what is this?"

"Esedretta, you don't need to understand that, and there's no way to know."

As for Esedretta, Lord Tryon did not want to explain.

Both have the idea of living in eternal reincarnation, which cannot be replaced.

There is no special reason for what is said above.

Things that the other party does not know have not been explained in previous cycles, so of course there is no reason to explain them again until now.


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