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大家在看天渊 乱世书 洪荒开局,灵宝伴生 盲目剑圣,睁眼即无敌 万相之王 人族镇守使 逆天邪神 道界天下 都市隐龙 狩魔大宗师 
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第92章 通灵者

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I have no desire to hide it from another person, nor do I need to hide it.

Love does not think of garbage and will never allow garbage to exist in this world.

Therefore, when love tries to hide itself in front of creation, it means one thing, that it is impatient.

Are you really human?

No, why are you happy? That is not true.

At first, Anlov had no intention of saying the last sentence and had no idea.

However, I don't know why Anlov made this statement.

This is confusing. It is difficult to understand why he himself said the matter.

But when he heard half of the sentence, Ai felt cold as before, but when he heard the second sentence, Ai felt proud, like something big.

The words appeared for about half a second and then disappeared pletely.

Then, Soya's whole body felt heavy and an invisible hand supported him.

There were no strange abilities to be seen, and nothing said or done could stop him.

It's like walking on a flat floor.

At this time, five fingers spread out.

This is the power of the people.

A strong wind blew and the force blew everywhere.

The strong winds of destruction are not controlled by anyone, but by love.

Anlov's whole body rose.

The powerful air hammer continued to hit the opponent's body.

Anlov was blown into the air and then crashed to the ground with a heavy thud.

He looked at the line and got a little scared.

God's way of life is different from humans, and the things that make up his body are also different.

First, Anlov had to adapt his body to pass through the strong wind without being affected.

Furthermore, even a storm god that is powerful enough to destroy buildings on earth must be useless on its own.

Even if Anlov tries to resist and fight natural disasters, failure is the only disaster.

It was an absolute disaster because the gods were stronger than disaster.


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