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大家在看开局心脏被挖,我移植魔祖之心 宿命之环 西游:贫僧不想取西经 我走后,为什么又哭着求我回来? 诡异入侵 天域丹尊 星辰王 绝世神皇 投资重生女帝,她竟叫我相公 噬神塔 
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第91章 Y'grakh的部落知识

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Even unimportant characteristics can be used as a criterion for judgment, so strength can also be used. They are simply animals with extraordinary powers.

In particular, these animals still have free will and are not enslaved by humans.

Who likes animals? that's nothing. In fact, it is a plete curse.

Huh? Why is this?

Frank rolled his eyes and looked away, and Aria answered, as angry as ever.

How is this really possible?

But soon Alia was happy.

Well, my actions have nothing to do with you.

Alya looked angry and spoke again.

Don't worry, I'm not doing anything bad, I'm doing something hopeful, redemptive, and fun.

Aria spoke her mind honestly and there was nothing wrong with it.

However, Frank, with more experience, definitely felt something was wrong.

It's clear that Frank has a bad feeling, and that's not a good thing.

If the man's face wasn't Love's, Frank probably coached him by force.

That said, I'm worried.

But in the end, says Frank, there is no beginning when it es to violence and the like.

However, after hearing Frank's words, Aaliyah's cheeks were pletely swollen.

he was not happy.

The reason is that the other party is already telling the truth, so why would the other party express such disbelief?

Ali was very happy because he felt guilty.

what do you mean?

Not that it doesn't have special meaning, it's just a bad idea, e on baby, I still need to find someone to stop loving.

Huh? why did you do that?

Aria tilted her head in confusion and clicked her tongue.

So what do I do? Do you think you have more talent than passion?

Aliya seems to have a hard time understanding why another person would do this.

Love does not know that the final battle will begin, so it eliminates those who are not involved, and no matter how good or bad we are, does it affect the result?


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站内强推十日终焉 十里芳菲 官道:从殡仪馆平步青云 万古之王 诸神愚戏 天灾第十年跟我去种田 那年花开1981 官场之绝对权力 遮天 武神主宰 穿越四合院之开局落户四合院 超神机械师 阵问长生 快穿:在年代世界悠闲生活 重生拒戴绿帽!我改嫁前夫死对头 官家天下 大奉打更人 宰执天下 长嫡 苟在仙界成大佬 
经典收藏系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 西游:贫僧不想取西经 强化子嗣,我的后代都是仙界大佬 修仙:从在炼器铺当厨子开始 卧底?三年又三年我成了魔道掌教 成就仙帝,全靠敌人的努力 厨神,妖兽:不好,我们成食材了 多子多福:女帝师尊成炉鼎 纯阳神体:仙魔双修 一个职业多个天赋,我成武圣了 盲目剑圣,睁眼即无敌 杀戮系统,绝世杀神 混沌天帝诀 全家老六,我只好在青楼躺平了 大荒经 哥布林从剑之圣女开始 万古第一废材 开局心脏被挖,我移植魔祖之心 我,天命大反派,从拿捏圣女开始 玄幻:修行从拿下师姐开始 
最近更新仙道章 帝慕 大能重生:这个赘婿我不当了! 绝世药圣 离谱!这个家族仆人都是大帝! 他一个舔狗,你说他是仙宗圣子? 千年后的族群试验世界 大魔鼎 投资返利,我族儿郎人人如龙 仙胆苍穹 我下凡渡个劫,怎么无敌了? 一人一驴一狗去修仙 第一魔主 转生成为杀手之王,召唤诸界杀手 玄幻:长生神子,何须妹骨证道! 凡人修仙:我有氪金面板 斗破苍穹之斗仙 重生三万年,专治恋爱脑 穿越后还被系统强制打工 炼丹成帝,从退出宗门开始 
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