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第87章 被诅咒的地下世界

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十二月 7th, 1925

我继续尽职尽责地记录我们因斯茅斯镇最近发生的事件。在过去的几周里,自从从下面的禁地隧道中走出来后,调查人员撒迪厄斯·索恩(Thaddeus Thorn)和玛莎·巴恩斯(Martha Barnes)一直在分析那个被诅咒的地下世界所经历的历史。



This is because no matter how many times this happens, the heart of the questioner does not grow, and the spirit sealed by the Trojan horse remains unchanged, and the reason for the deviation is not a change in personality but an inner change. Attitude: One step closer to collapse.

There is no way to hide this harmful behavior, and it is all on the researchers.

Angel, who has experienced the myth many times, does not change his views even after witnessing this creature.

Yi looked happily at the animal's and An Yi's unexpected life.

At that moment, An Yi sighed.

If this animal did not notice it and ran quietly, there should be no reason to start a plot.

Although she was originally prepared, Yi's current incarnation is not her previous incarnation, and she is not a powerful warrior, but a woman.

If he starts that plan, I doubt he will die soon.


Now that he was sick, he didn't have the capital to fight the myths, and he couldn't shoot like he used to, and even if he got a big weapon, he couldn't bear to retreat. .

Therefore, when faced with such a thing, he coldly looked only at the places where animals eat people.

He quickly turned and walked away silently, flying like a ghost.

However, such an act may not be acceptable to God.

Maybe because the Trojan horse that controls the destinies outside of this world can't stand it.

Angel <Test of the Hour>, 97, was a huge failure.

Suddenly he pushed the rock and ran, maybe not thinking about anything, but then realized what happened when he lost his center of gravity.


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