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大家在看帝御无疆 强化子嗣,我的后代都是仙界大佬 西游:贫僧不想取西经 小师弟要逆天 多子多福,从拿捏九幽女帝开始! 天域丹尊 玄幻:勾栏听曲的我,模拟成神 守城百年千夫所指?灭族别找我! 诸天之最强BOSS 投资重生女帝,她竟叫我相公 
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A golden horse appeared in the room, but he didn't believe it at all.

However, the question is how much faith the party has in it.

All Nancy has to do this time is convince Angel to be her partner, and it's a different game than the other Trojan Rooms.

You don't need to change any information, but at least let the other person know that the game here is not one of bullying each other.

When making such a decision, Nancy did not think about continuing the conflict. The original here is a lie. Therefore, Nancy does not mind selling herself as a slave, but she is pletely free. There was nothing like it before.

Nancy thought for a moment and then remembered what God had told her before she came here.

The origin of the angel here is the "former high school detective" How does this power manifest technically? It's hard to fully understand Nancy, but she's less a vision of the future than an ability to reflect on the past.

Wise Nancy realizes that the other person is trying to wake her up.

Maybe it was because of a momentary feeling of disfort, but he looked like a child on the outside.

Nancy learned this from a dream.

An Qi did not know how he survived so many games, but everything was given to him by the Golden Trojan Horse, and it was not a lie. Important: We don't talk about unimportant things.

Therefore, Nancy believed in An Chi's true identity.

After 3 seconds of talking to the group above, Nancy began to speak.

No, not the old society.

But I don't care.

He narrowed his eyes at Nancy again, his eyes showing true evil.

Hey, there are many ways to e back as a super high school level boxer, but the easiest one is to pretend to be a new boxer and box again. Then you have to win a lot of money games.

So how does this happen?

Nancy's tone was slightly nervous, and An Yi seemed to be joking rather than serious at this point.


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