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大家在看出生秒仙帝,除了无敌还是无敌 剑道第一仙 九龙至尊 女侠且慢 太上武神诀 天赋无敌的我,一心只想苟活 系统赋予我长生,却忘记赐我不老 渊天尊 合欢宗小师弟 绝世神皇 
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第82章 德尔弗斯

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Amy knows what Aaliyah needs, and Amy knows what Aaliyah needs.

All of Aria's requests to Amy are just memories and mean nothing.

But it is definitely a precious life for some, more precious than a magical grimoire.

Amy's eyes are on Aaliyah and her power is so strong that people want to bow under her.

Amy has a strong will, so from a mon human perspective, she might be something of a strong attraction.

Aria also knew that the other party did not use magic, but such strength and power was small pared to magic itself, and was based on human strength and determination.

Aria immediately felt the release of power from the other side, and her mind felt like she was looking at a terrible beast.

But that is not a guess; it could be because Alya's will is stronger than before, or it could be because of the power Amy uses.

Aria couldn't stand in front of Amy anymore.

His whole body trembled and trembled, his eyes were blank and confused.

Amy saw Aaliyah's determination and decided to take this life from her.

However, I'm not sure what Aria needs is the same as I think.

Or the other person does not understand the value of things.

So, he seems to be reminding, advising, saying something unexpected.

Can you trust me to give you something of real value?

Aria understood what Amy said. He really knew he had a chance to win this time, it didn't seem to matter to him, he just knew why.

It seemed so simple that Alya had heard Amy understand and tried to say it for years.

Amy's eyebrows seemed to be ing together.

Do I need something like this in my case?

I'm looking for you because I thought I didn't have you.

Alya's voice started cheering as if she didn't hear the words.

But he knew he hadn't said it out loud.

Aria, waiting for Amy's opinion, needs to know what Amy thinks because she doesn't want to be smart, she wants to be active.


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站内强推剑来 官场:被贬后,我强大身世曝光 年代1960:穿越南锣鼓巷, 我的极品28岁老板娘 春山喧 我在异世封神 谁让他修仙的! 重生60带空间 谍战:我其实能识别间谍 系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 我靠破案养家糊口 四合院我有一个未婚妻 我在四合院,禽兽只是菜! 民调局异闻录之勉传 龙族5悼亡者的归来(龙族Ⅴ:悼亡者的归来) 亿倍返还:双手插兜,没有对手! 重生1978,万元户从打猎开始 御兽从零分开始 乱世书 嫡嫁千金 
经典收藏全职法师 天渊 万古之王 万相之王 修仙:从在炼器铺当厨子开始 逆天悟性:从开创观想法开始长生 最初进化 武映三千道 万古第一废材 赘婿 999种神级身份,花式吊打主角 诡秘:从阅读者开始 邪路长生,从横移血骨开始 师尊修为尽失,女徒内心狂喜 九龙归一诀 官府分配媳妇,这需要选? 洪荒开局,灵宝伴生 洪荒:人在截教,努力就能变强! 九星霸体诀 修真:从娶漂亮师妹开始 
最近更新神医重生,闯荡三界 请归 我有一鼎,可镇乾坤! 战神云飞扬:为护妻女,宁负天下 把你当兄弟,你却是女帝? 小师妹限制解除面无表情地盯着我 僵尸世界:走上成仙路 费土旧士 山海源启 九炼成圣 我有双系统一个生钱一个修行 林风的灵修征程 绑定女帝,她修炼我变强! 捡到高冷萝莉女帝,我被冲师了! 开局禁地之主,病娇女帝当我徒? 荒神道 别人修武吴敌修仙,妥妥的碾压局 雷破苍穹 深渊,起点归途 穿梭万界,我收集各色女神 
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