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大家在看系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 逍遥四公子 半截入土:却给我曹贼系统? 我的弟子全是大帝之资 诡异入侵 系统赋予我长生,却忘记赐我不老 凡人修仙:从大能储物戒开始 合欢宗小师弟 我的修炼时间和人不一样 星辰王 
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第78章 公开战争的爆发

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However, the magical power emanating from it was enough to crush a person's will.

However, pare it to the depiction of the animal on the yellow seal.

Perhaps it was an evil act caused by an evil god to suit his circumstances.

This is because the sealed real beast is truly 100% related to God.

Therefore, when the demon Gastur understood the nature of this formation, he also felt true fear, a form more terrifying than the fear brought by the Messenger of Death.

Because if there is such a great glory of God, it shows that the true God is alive.

This is because it is not the separation of the spirits of the evil gods, but the union of the evil gods.

He is a devil with a divine bite value of 100%, and also a god.

However, they were not the ancient solar rulers who gained the power of God, but the demonic part of the ancient rulers.

At this time, the result of gaining 100% cost of Godbite should be an evil god or a branch spirit, but of course it is not about the god here.

After considering such a possibility, Damon Gastur's rationality almost disappeared.

How is it possible that the evil god or evil god is not dead yet? The crow killed me. Why am I still alive in this world? Impossible. I cannot tell when an evil god will exist. This must be the age of demons. How does that happen?

Gastour's words did not last long.

In the end he realized that there was a yellow seal hidden inside the animal, that God's calling made him mad, and that it was the image of God.

As a result, his mind seemed confused, his entire being fled, and he fell into eternal life.

Their power es from a God.

Therefore, the result of a yellow seal animal is some of the less resistant animals.

Gastur's demon power was very weak, very small pared to 100% demon, and his power was small pared to God's sight.


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