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大家在看全职法师 万古之王 天渊 师妹低调点,我还没无敌呢! 西游:贫僧不想取西经 造化血狱体 穿越后系统给双修功法什么意思? 绝世道君 万道天尊 星辰王 
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第73章 紧张局势升级

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He was already between the shadows of the hands, changing form for a moment before Kizuna bumped into him, walking quickly towards Kizuna, getting closer to each other step by step. The opponent's attack was as big as a raindrop, but he actually only had two hands, and it was impossible for him to be in the entire space at the same time. The demon Aria does not appreciate her opponents and attacks everyone.

Seeing this, Chizuna charged forward, exploding his movement speed and headed towards the devil's body, as if he was a star that could destroy the spear that pierced the enemy's body. SHAKE

The force generated by the wind seems to destroy the earth and the sky in front of it, the weather has improved, there are no clouds covering the sky in darkness, and the sky can be seen directly. Countless explosions appeared in the starry sky, as if a heavy artillery hit, and the fire effect from the explosions spread throughout the surrounding area.

However, the demon used magical movements to directly undergo a devastating attack, appearing in front of the opponent's eyes as if calling, then stretched out its arms and grabbed the opponent. as if hunting. , his hand turned. his shoulder. He then threw Kisner a fastball.

Thrown in the air, Chizuna tried to control his body and used his magical power to transform into a bird and fly, defying logic and seeing the right moment, he jumped like a shooting star. palace

At the same time, seeing Chizuna fall like a torpedo, the demon also rushed forward and exploded with great force, throwing its body straight out, reaching the sky like a red flame, flapping its wings. like a demonic bird, and does the same. fired a club.

The two fought in the sky, and when their wings collided, it caused damage similar to a continental missile, and a strong wind swirled in the sky, and when it fell to the ground, it was a disaster, but not pletely. . He was worried about their influence because everyone knew that divine power could not be used between them.


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