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第72章 R'lyeh的地下世界

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The demon warrior's body flashed before Michelle's eyes, and she slowly waved her hand.

However, all of Michelle's kicks seemed to go through the shadows, and every time the God of War, a large amount of her physical strength was taken away. Even though I had the strength to say it, I was stunned and fell asleep about 30 minutes later. They are unconscious. Nothing would wake him up unless he went on time. The God of Martial Arts knows this because he knows magic.

Even if the knowledge of ancient mantras is as much as they want to know, they will not know it. That is, their knowledge will always grow and reach infinity, except for the incarnate evil god. It is not of physical origin, nor is the number of spells known to humans limited. He also understands magic.

So do you sleep well, forget everything when you wake up, have a good day, and then try to impress someone? The origin is false, but the purpose is not. In this eternal destruction, perhaps this is the only happiness that can be brought.

Even saying that, the general's eyes and face looked like a dead one, and his voice did not change at all, like a mechanical voice. Those are the words of a man, not his kind.

After saying that, he disappeared. It's like disappearing into the fog, but you can't really see the color of the fog, and if you concentrate, it's dangerous, you'll go crazy and you won't understand. The rest of the party left.

But if it goes away, you won't see it go away if you look at the ground. For there was no shadow on the earth from the time it was created until it ceased, and there was no shadow without a shadow. It still left a mark on the ground.

Like a ghost returning from the world without a trace.

After about 30 minutes, Michelle stood up, heavy as a gun. Despite Michelle Suar, I gently hit my forehead with my hand and used the power of the pain to wake me up. , but there is no part of his body that can't feel pain, so he can only feel pain, so he can't feel it or have a stroke, that's what's left.


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