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大家在看开局心脏被挖,我移植魔祖之心 穿越后系统给双修功法什么意思? 盲目剑圣,睁眼即无敌 万相之王 诡道长生:我在诡异世界封神 开局废了,我开启最强进化 卧底?三年又三年我成了魔道掌教 这个反派有点良心,但是不多! 绝世神皇 诸天之最强BOSS 
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第69章 揭开秘密

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Fortunately, you need a lot of rest to recover your magical parts.

So Aria shouldn't worry. Although the faction has evil intentions, Aria is confident that she can defeat them with all her might.

At least that's what he believed.

reason? Of course, even if you don't say it out loud, it sounds like something is wrong.

I don't know if it's a lie or not, but Aaliyah always seems to have an evil smile, no, it's obvious that others are sincere.

In fact, he's such an emotional freak that Aria tries to convince herself that she's pletely unintelligent through psychology.

Chisner then said:

I love you, so you already know that?

Hey! ?

Aaliyah's appearance is very entertaining. Like the makeup artist, she started to look strange. Because in his mind, there is something wrong with the human brain, because maybe the person who says this is very crazy and fond of children. No profit can be made from outside or from inside. As confident as Aaliyah is, she always has bad things to say. Even if you are the only one who admits it.

Then, suddenly, a look of hatred appeared on the face of the man who confessed his love to another, and he no longer felt any ill will towards him. What on earth was she thinking dating him? Alia had to look in the mirror and realize that what she told Saeed was a plete lie.

(How on earth does a woman look like an adult? A woman without physical enemies. That's not a mon feeling at all.)

People with small teeth like me are obviously treated as little sisters. If there is love beyond love for children, then don't think about it, no one has a problem with their eyes. However, his opponent is pletely corrupt and contrary to mon sense.

Aria thought so, so she had to know if someone had bad eyesight or a mental problem.

However, for the first and last time, Aria felt nothing but shock and anger.


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