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大家在看宿命之环 轮回丹帝 小师弟要逆天 诡异入侵 穿越后系统给双修功法什么意思? 天域丹尊 逆天悟性:从开创观想法开始长生 绝世天资被欺辱,我叛出宗你哭啥 我的修炼时间和人不一样 开局不朽大帝,只手覆灭禁区 
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第69章 揭开秘密

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As he came out of the bathroom, he stopped, paused and stared at the bed. His eyes are very low, but that does not mean that he is blind, but with some people who help him, he can see well.

Why am I working here outside of my bed?

When Aria screamed, a ruby-like flame appeared around her. This powerful flame emitted intense heat, but it did not glow, was it controlled by magic? Or is it some kind of strange magic?

God knows what this means, but it has nothing to do with the situation.

Aria covered the opponent with magic, and when the opponent did something bad, she fired these fireballs like a gun until the opponent's head was pletely burned.

Although Arya has the ability to create flames and knows how to use some devastating spells, this rain of fire is also terrifying.

He had never tried to take another person's life, but unlike the Inverted Cross, who killed people just for fun, in his eyes such an act was as strange as the joy of lying. Wine These vases aren't even yours.

Take a moment and relax.

Chisner quickly raised his hand and began to speak, hoping that the party would calm down, and quickly got off Aria's bed, but his eyes were on her like a magnet and she separated them.

What Aria saw was Chizuna. He didn't expect her to be here. Even though I returned with an invisibility spell, I wasn't kicked out. Why does this happen? Aaliyah, wondering who would betray her, looked at Kizuna like an eye in the sky, and was understandably scared.

fear? what do you mean? No, what were your last words?

Aaliyah asked as the firemen began to approach Kizuna. If Aaliyah wants, the bombers will attack the enemy suddenly like fire. And after the explosion, he was released and went to see God.

The power of each fireball is reduced by the amount of dispersion, but it does not change when aimed at a human body like a sniper rifle or 45mm machine gun. Killing someone, if you get hit, you die, you don't stand a chance.


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站内强推十日终焉 仕途人生 穿越星际妻荣夫贵 诡舍 神印王座 权欲:从乡镇到省委大院 快穿之妾室妖娆,生存掠夺守则 遮天 谍战:我其实能识别间谍 穿越四合院之开局落户四合院 我靠破案养家糊口 阵问长生 超神机械师 逍遥四公子 四合院:带着仓库来到1959 分手后,五个高官女儿爱上我 官场:美女领导带我青云直上 混沌天帝诀 我在星际重着山海经 官场从秘书开始 
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