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大家在看系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 我的诡异人生 开局召唤:我的燕云十八骑有点多 九龙至尊 太上武神诀 凡人修仙:从大能储物戒开始 绝世道君 合欢宗小师弟 我的修炼时间和人不一样 玄幻:勾栏听曲的我,模拟成神 
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第66章 陷入疯狂

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Forget it, don't joke anymore.

Bai Lian brought her face to Aaliyah's mouth and she returned a smile to her face as she pulled back.

This is the person I'm looking for. But here is the name, Michel, Michel Bunyanto.

are you serious I'm not used to it.

If you are not used to it, please e to my house immediately and I will bring you anything that you have forgotten immediately.

Sorry, it's better to be real.

When Aria heard Bayley Kurui's words, she changed her opinion 180 degrees.

Compared to Bailian, I'm not used to it, and I still get angry when I use my body as a toy, and I can handle it when I get used to it, but I don't hate it either. That's it. This kind of thing can be solved if you get used to it.

Aria also avoided his face, thinking that he might regret if he used those words against another person.

Why did you e to me? If you are looking for someone else, is there no other option than me? This is because I am only a third party researcher and not a full-time employee.

Before Aaliyah finished her speech, she saw Bai Lian take out a wad of bank notes and put them in a bag. It was Franklin's charm collection (Note 1).

Seeing the rich man, Aliya seems drunk and has no interest in money. Remembering that you can get "Azathos" by paying your debt, all your possessions in the "Book" will be erased. Maybe it's time to live a happy life, Aria is afraid of the heart and poverty, which she is not used to.

Like dehydration, it can be unfortable and won't kill you instantly, but that doesn't mean it can be tamed, and it's not a creature that won't dry up.

The third detective? If you say, it is true, especially Xiao Ai, you are crazy, if a crazy person bees a researcher, you will see that it is unknown.

Bailian replied with a smile, but Aria was skeptical.


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站内强推我在精神病院学斩神 全职法师 十日终焉 年代1960:穿越南锣鼓巷, 重生:权势巅峰 轮回乐园 四合院:垂钓诸天万物 天官赐福 遮天 宋檀记事 谍战:我其实能识别间谍 系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 退婚后,高冷女帝后悔了 谍战:我能洞察心声 重生1958:发家致富从南锣鼓巷开始 过分野 1972,红旗招展的青春年代 官场从秘书开始 胜天半子:祁同伟的进部之路 官家天下 
经典收藏全职法师 天渊 万古之王 万相之王 狩魔大宗师 强化子嗣,我的后代都是仙界大佬 武神主宰 九叔:加入聊天群的我,无敌了! 成就仙帝,全靠敌人的努力 天武神帝 神级修炼系统 圣墟 大造化剑主 绝世剑帝 绝世道君 穿成炮灰,怒娶反派,不服就干! 我有一剑 我,天道殿主!弟子全是冲师逆徒 建立修仙家族,从坊市开始 神兽缔造师 
最近更新开局与圣女双修,觉醒九阳圣体 系统迟到!重生后让我攻略她们 遮天之太古仙泪 命运剑帝 牛牛的传奇 从菜市场杀到源星,谁敢占我便宜 开局:大帝修为,建立战神殿 穿越双界:丹炉助我成两界传奇 洪荒之开局神魔精血铸混元圣体 开局盗王系统,却成了道祖 修炼一天涨百天修为,我要无敌了 重生:坠崖后捡个老头走向巅峰 逍遥宗把魔神捡回来了? 灵霄传世 都市隐龙,仙途无悔 穿越洪荒,我以三大本尊证道永恒 无敌战神【叶尘】 变身:魔女小姐才不要被宿命摆布 混沌炼气 合欢宗极品鼎炉,开局被圣女俘虏 
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