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第59章 梦井的诱惑

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Moreover, he does not like milk, even if it is as bad as defiling the eyes of those who love it.

What is for whom? As long as it's delicious, it's okay?

Thinking of that, Aria felt warm.

In this pleasant warmth and silence, warm as the light of the sky, he realized that he had forgotten something.

Aria struggled to turn the pages of the book from memory.

As he turned to the other side, something suddenly occurred in his mind, which suddenly rose, causing confusion and causing thoughts.

By the way, I left this laptop in my room.


Aria thought so, and felt the need to take it, as it was good when used carefully.

She's not a person named Aaliyah Bitt, and Aaliyah doesn't know that person exists, but if she has an identity with someone, it's mon sense to respect her privacy.

──Of course, no one but me should be responsible for this.

Aria is very polite and conscientious, so at least she won't let someone without a puter use it at work.

That seems to indicate more of his fiction today.

However, Alia's behavior is acting without thinking about what she needs to do to fit her personality.

After drinking the milk, Aria opened the door and went back to her room.

But I can't do anything even if I go out.

However, Aria hears noises ing from above and bees a little curious, wondering if something interesting is happening.

He likes to sleep, but can only play with corpses on the bed.

So Aria gave up and went back to her room on the second floor.

After that, he did not exceed expectations and basically everything was there.

It's a beautiful day with blue skies and white clouds, so why leave early? Aria was surprised.

There was a white-skinned man who looked like an old man drunk with wine. If Aria is right, Toka Nemanku is her brother's friend and the owner of the ship.


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