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大家在看帝御无疆 宿命之环 强化子嗣,我的后代都是仙界大佬 西游:贫僧不想取西经 老祖别苟了,宇宙要没了 凡人修仙:从大能储物戒开始 守城百年千夫所指?灭族别找我! 星辰王 投资重生女帝,她竟叫我相公 狩魔大宗师 
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第57章 觉醒

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Unfortunately, he had no chance to save Wu Gao from beginning to end, and could only watch silently and helplessly as the swarm of meat insects cruelly toyed with him.

At first, Hwang Jeong-do thought it was unbearable to see this scene, but what he didn't expect was that his reaction was milder than he expected. He analyzed that his way of thinking was being more and more like a devouring shadow insect, and that he was gradually transforming into a true shadow eater.

Because of this, Hwang Jeong-do felt he had to do something before he truly became a monster who had lost his humanity.

As a Shadow Devourer with a human soul, he has advantages over other Shadow Devourers. He can understand people's words.

Shadow eaters who are above humans in the food chain have no more interest in human language, much less understanding human language, just as they would not listen to a lamb being slaughtered. It's the same as not learning. Just think about how you will use it. Food bees more delicious.

Therefore, while Hwang Jeong-do pretended to torment Bodaka with insects, he was actually silently listening to and recording the exchange between Bodaka and the mysterious detectives. Thanks to his real "sage"-like brain, he easily defeated Bu Gaojun. The contents of the conversation with the mysterious detective were all memorized in his head.

Afterwards, Hwang Jeong-do removed Bu Gao's head and found a suitable opportunity to contact outsiders in Bu Gao's name.

Currently, Hwang Jeong-do is active under the name Mu Gao-kun and is searching for so-called spell materials in the city.

Casting spells and casting curses shouldn't be an ability exclusive to humans, right? Hwang Jeong-do thought this as he searched for products that seemed insignificant to him at the supermarket.


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站内强推十日终焉 我在精神病院学斩神 官道:从殡仪馆平步青云 诡舍 诸神愚戏 那年花开1981 武道大帝 快穿之妾室妖娆,生存掠夺守则 武神主宰 穿越四合院之开局落户四合院 我靠破案养家糊口 阵问长生 万族之劫 快穿:在年代世界悠闲生活 官家天下 1972,红旗招展的青春年代 空间之山村悠闲 帝御无疆 混沌天帝诀 大小姐她总是不求上进 
经典收藏系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 师妹低调点,我还没无敌呢! 强化子嗣,我的后代都是仙界大佬 修仙:从在炼器铺当厨子开始 卧底?三年又三年我成了魔道掌教 厨神,妖兽:不好,我们成食材了 武映三千道 多子多福:女帝师尊成炉鼎 一个职业多个天赋,我成武圣了 盲目剑圣,睁眼即无敌 杀戮系统,绝世杀神 混沌天帝诀 建立修仙家族,从坊市开始 全家老六,我只好在青楼躺平了 哥布林从剑之圣女开始 厄难天书 万古第一废材 开局心脏被挖,我移植魔祖之心 我,天命大反派,从拿捏圣女开始 垂钓诸神 
最近更新玄幻:我有一把斩仙刀 霸体武神 修真之至尊强者 周易秘传之道行天下 身为龙骑竟然没有龙 种田:我修仙种田两手抓 帝慕 师尊逆推,我被强迫疯了! 异界:与兽耳萝莉展开冒险之旅 杂役逆袭!我疯狂加点,一天一个新境界! 玄幻修仙大乱炖 开局师姐误会我,直接抱住啃一口 葬仙胆 倚夜 断绝关系后,师姐们跪下求我回头! 我魔修成圣!反手送偏心家人进万魂幡 千秋录:苍羽 洪荒:开局九天之主,神话鲲鹏 重生:宗门败落与我何关 万世帝君 
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